Code of Conduct

Linjemontage wants to create added value for customers, employees, suppliers and shareholders, while contributing to the sustainable development of society. To achieve this, we actively work with good business ethics and social commitment. We take the climate and the environment into account and strive for long-term and trusting relationships. The Code of Conduct shows the…

Linjemontages core values guide us

With competence, responsibility and job satisfaction, Linjemontage contributes to a better and more sustainable society. These are Linjemontage’s core values on which our entire business is based. Linjemontage’s core values describe who we are as people, what we stand for, how we work, what we can achieve and how we want to be perceived. We actively work with our core values in all aspects of our business.


We must be innovative, flexible and constantly improve. We will make the most of our employees’ skills and offer good opportunities for development, training, promotion and well-being.


We want our employees to be engaged and involved in our business and to contribute to our positive development. At Linjemontage, we should have the opportunity to influence our work situation. Through an honest and trusting dialogue with our customers and suppliers, we will create and maintain long-lasting and good relationships.

Job satisfaction

We want to be the personal company. We will make it possible to combine our work with family and leisure activities. We want good communication, a good atmosphere and respect for the individual to prevail in Linjemontage.

Linjemontage Code of Conduct

The basis of the Code of Conduct is Linjemontage’s core values «With competence, responsibility and joy of work, Linjemontage contributes to a better and more sustainable society» and the UN’s Global Compact 10 principles.

UN’s Global Compact 10 principles

Human rights

Principle 1: Support and respect international human rights in the sphere of corporate influence
Principle 2: Ensure that their own companies are not involved in human rights abuses

Labour law

Principle 3: Uphold freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining
Principle 4: Eliminate all forms of forced labour
Principle 5: Abolish child labour
Principle 6: Eliminate discrimination in recruitment and job assignments


Principle 7: Support the precautionary principle with regard to environmental risks
Principle 8: Take initiatives to strengthen environmental awareness
Principle 9: Encourage the development of environmentally friendly technologies


Principle 10: Combat all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.

To whom does the Code of Conduct apply?

The Code of Conduct applies to everyone in the Linjemontage Group, from the Board of Directors and management, to individual
employees, and the contents of the Code must be respected and followed.

We require that the Code of Conduct is respected and followed by our business partners (customers, partners, suppliers).

The Code of Conduct provides an overall framework, supplemented by detailed rules and guidelines for individual areas.

Business ethics and principles

We comply with laws and regulations

Linjemontage complies with the laws, rules and regulations of the markets in which we operate. We require our business partners to act accordingly.

We do not tolerate corruption

Linjemontage always acts responsibly and ethically in business relationships. We do not tolerate any form of corruption, bribery or extortion. This means, among other things, that:

  • We act and make decisions without regard to personal gain for ourselves or our loved ones. Nor do we use relationships with business partners for personal gain.
  • We avoid situations that may create or give the appearance of creating conflicts of
    interest. If a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, it must be reported openly to the nearest manager. If an employee engages in business activities outside of Linjemontage (so-called secondary employment), this must be approved by Linjemontage.
  • We never violate any applicable law on giving or taking bribes. We neither give nor receive gifts or favours of a value exceeding the levels set by Linjemontage, and do not engage in entertainment beyond normal business activities. We comply with business partners’ rules on gifts, entertainment, etc., if these are stricter than Linjemontage rules.
We comply with competition laws

Linjemontage operates in accordance with competition law in the markets in which we operate. We act for fair competition in tendering, quoting, procurement and purchasing.

  • We do not accept any form of unlawful anti-competitive practices, such as price fixing, cartelisation or abuse of market dominance.
  • We act properly and do not engage in undue influence or manipulation that risks distorting competition.
We work to combat financial crime

As a community builder, Linjemontage takes responsibility for combating financial crime in the industry. Economic crime distorts competition and leads to instability, unpredictability and reduced resources for the lawful sector of society.

  • We provide accurate accounting of financial transactions.
  • We reject and actively work against undeclared work.

Human rights and working conditions

We prioritize a safe working environment and health

Linjemontage workplaces should be safe and secure, without accidents. We put employee’s health and job satisfaction first.

  • We work long-term and systematically to develop the working environment and promote employees’ health, to prevent injuries and illness.
  • At Linjemontages workplaces, everyone must be involved in work environment management and follow Linjemontage guidelines and workplace rules. Employees take responsibility for their own and others’ working environment. We think about our everyday lives and take care of each other and ourselves.
  • At Linjemontages workplaces there must be adequate equipment and competence for the protection of people and property.
  • We work to ensure that the entire value chain, in accordance with legislation, to promote a healthy and safe working environment.

We promote equality and diversity

The equal value of all people is a matter of course. Linjemontage works to increase diversity and equality in all areas of the business. Everyone should have the same rights and opportunities regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or belief, disability, sexual orientation or age.

We do not tolerate discriminatory treatment, harassment or discrimination

Linjemontage has zero tolerance for all forms of discriminatory treatment, harassment, sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination. We have a responsibility to prevent, deter and act. Any employee or business partner who sees or suspects a violation has a duty to report it.

We do not accept Child labour

Any form of violence, coercion or exploitation of children is unacceptable. A child is defined here as a person under the age of 15, unless a higher minimum age is prescribed by law. Workers under the age of 18 must be specifically protected from hazardous work involving risks to health and safety, such as night work.

We do not accept forced and bonded labour

Work should be done on a voluntary basis. Personal documents and possessions may not be seized for the purpose of compelling work. Workers must be free to leave the workplace at the end of their shift. Illegal labour must not be used.

We defend the right to freedom of association

Linjemontage does not accept restrictions on workers’ rights to freedom of association or collective bargaining. Workers should be able to exercise these rights without hindrance or risk of harassment or reprisals, even in countries where the right to organize is restricted or prohibited.

We defend fair employment conditions

Linjemontage does not accept employment conditions that fall short of national and local legislation or the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

  • Signed collective agreements must be respected and adhered to.
  • Working hours and minimum wages must comply with the national laws of the country where the product is manufactured or the service is performed.


We care about the climate and the environment

Linjemontage contributes to the sustainable development of society and works continuously to prevent environmental risks and minimize our impact on the environment and climate.

  • Our environmental work is systematic and integrated into our operations.
  • We comply with and respect laws and other relevant environmental social requirements.
  • Our employees shall have relevant skills based on the task’s impact on the environment.

We work to reduce the business’ environmental impact

Linjemontage actively focuses on the areas where its operations have the greatest environmental impact from a life cycle perspective and works with;

  • Phasing out environmentally and health hazardous substances in materials and production.
  • Reducing the climate impact of transport and production.
  • Material efficiency in production by preventing material waste and increasing recycling rates.

Linjemontage works progressively and with continuous improvement to achieve better environmental performance. Employees and business partners at Linjemontage workplaces are responsible for reporting deviations and environmental events. We encourage knowledge, development and dissemination of environmentally sound technologies.

We make demands on business partners

Linjemontages’ business partners and their environmental work play an important role in our environmental work. This is captured in the purchasing processes in the form of requirements and guidelines. In cooperation with our business partners, we will drive the development of environmentally friendly products and solutions.


We demand compliance with the Code of Conduct

The principles of the Code of Conduct are monitored on an ongoing basis as an integral part of the business. Here, management
and managers at all levels have a particular responsibility to set a good example. An employee who feels uncertain about how to apply this in their day-to-day work can seek guidance from their manager.

HR is available in Linjemontage for support. Employees in Linjemontage must raise the alarm if they suspect that the Code of Conduct or
legislation is being breached. Linjemontage provides several ways to report suspected violations. In the first instance, Linjemontage and business partners report employees to their immediate manager. If this is not appropriate for various reasons, it is possible to report anonymously through Linjemonte’s whistleblowing system.

If a Linjemontage employee does not act in accordance with the Code of Conduct, corrective action will be taken. If a business partner repeatedly or seriously violates the Code of Conduct, the business relationship will be terminated.

Fixing and updating

This code shall be established annually by the management team of Linjemontage.

Grästorp 2023-09-01
Anders Åkerberg CEO

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